9 signs of healthy relationships

According to the songs, the partner should have "complementary." According comedy series, the couple has to solve any problem within 30 minutes. Hollywood is trying to convince us that full relations are built on a special "chemistry of love" and a passionate, crazy sex. Therapist Sharon Martin formulated the "9 commandments" of a healthy relationship. Learn more with our free random gay chat blog.


The most important thing in a healthy relationship is the sincere of mutual love. Partners take care of each other and in word and in deed, continually demonstrating that appreciate and love each other.


In a healthy relationship partners do not lie to each other, and do not conceal the truth. Such relationships are transparent; they have no place of deception.


You've probably heard that you should not start the relationship, hoping to eventually change their partner. Whether it is about very serious problems such as drug addiction or about the little things like permanently unwashed dishes - if you expect that he or she will start to behave differently, it is likely waiting for you disappointment. Yes, people can and do changes, but they have to want to. You cannot make your partner change how whatever you want to be loved.


Mutual respect means that the partners take into account each other's feelings and relate to the partner as well as we would like, so he treated him. Respect avoids a situation where one of the partners, it appears that the second it crushes, or trying to manipulate him. They are willing to listen to each other and respect the point of view of your partner.


They do not try to put each other spokes in the wheel, do not compete, and do not try to "win" each other. Instead, the relationship reins mutual assistance and mutual support.

6. Physical and emotional safety

Partners do not feel wary or stress in the presence of each other. They know that the partner you can rely on in any situation. They do not have to fear that their partner can hit, scream, get to do what they do not want to manipulate, humiliate, or shame.

7. Mutual opening

A sense of security allows you to fully open your partner that, in turn, makes the connection deeper partners. They know that they can share innermost thoughts and secrets without fear of condemnation.

8. SUPPORT individual partners

A healthy attachment partner to each other does not prevent them from putting themselves their own goals in life and achieve them. They have private time and private space. They support each other, proud of each other and are interested in hobbies with each other.


When partner’s expectations of the relationship are diverges, often one is disappointed. It is important that both the expectations are realistic and close to each other. This applies to a wide variety of issues: how often they have sex, as holidays, note how much time spends together as a shared household duties, etc. If the views of partners on these and other issues are very different, it is important to discuss the differences and find a compromise.
